Barnhardt Purified Cotton

Barnhardt Purified Cotton


Barnhardt Purified Cotton provides purified and bleached cotton as a raw material from 2 manufacturing sites located in the US; Charlotte, NC and Colrain, Mass. This raw material is used in a variety of end products including Q-tips, cotton balls, facial pads, tampons, feminine pads, baby wipes, medical wipes, personal wipes, surface wipes, wound care, absorbent dental products and a variety of beauty products. In addition, Barnhardt provides carded cotton, rayon and polyester used as an in-process product for many of the same end uses. Barnhardt is also a leading supplier to the Pharmaceutical industry of fiber used in pill packaging; the Dental market for absorbent products and the Beauty market for disposable products.

Business Overview

North America
Mecklenburg County
Primary NAICS Code
All Other Miscellaneous Textile Product Mills (314999)
Secondary NAICS Code(s)
Fiber, Yarn, and Thread Mills (313110)


1100 Hawthorne Ln
Charlotte, North Carolina 28205
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